广东省惠州市惠东县惠东荣超中学高中英语 Unit 4 Grammar学案新人教版必修3
课前预习案Previewing Case
使用说明及学法指导:1. 自我学习课本29页的内容,完成预习案进行自我检测。
2. 完成时间20分钟。
Task 1 Discussion : Everybody has an amazing mother who gives us life and the whole affection. We thank them very much.
Q1:What do you think of your mother? Please share your feelings with us.
*I think ____________________________ *I wonder_________________________________
*I feel _____________________________ *I’m sure _________________________________
Q2:Do you think you know your mother very well?
*What my mother likes is_____________________________________________________
*What my mother doesn't like is________________________________________________
*What makes my mother happy is_______________________________________________
* What my mother needs is_____________________________________________________