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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版(新教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小918 K
  • 更新时间2024/7/1 8:48:59
    下载统计今日0 总计0
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Liam Gamer was just 17 years old when he started out on his big adventure—a 32,000-kilometer bike trip from Alaska to Argentina.In early January,2023,he finally finished his trip,17 months after he started.

Liam,an experienced cyclist,had previously ridden from Los Angeles to San Francisco.He made short videos of that trip,and shared them on the social media app TikTok,some of which became quite popular.After reading a book by adventurer Jedidiah Jenkins,who biked from Oregon to Argentina,Liam decided to cycle from Prudhoe Bay,Alaska,the northernmost point in the United States accessible by road,to Ushuaia,Argentina,the southernmost point of South America.

Liam set out on August 1,2021.At first Liam’s parents weren’t too happy about him taking such a long bike trip by himself though it wouldn’t take that much money.But as he carried on,his parents became his strongest supporters.

After about three months,Liam had crossed the US,going south along the West Coast.By early December,he had reached Mexico,from which his parents came to the US many years ago.“So crossing the entire country on a bike and reconnecting with my culture and learning the language in the place my family is from are so deeply important to me,” Liam explained emotionally.But Liam also faced challenges in Mexico.

He was robbed in Mexico,and at one point,he considered quitting because the incredible heat made biking extremely difficult.In all,he was robbed five times on the trip.He got very sick more than once.In Colombia,he had a bike accident that left him injured and required surgery.In spite of it all,he kept going through rain,sun,heat,cold,deserts and mountains.

Liam finally arrived in his destination on January 10,2023—527 days after he started.He had travelled through 14 countries along the way.

1.What contributed to Liam’s decision to bike through 14 countries?

A.His previous related experiences.

B.His parents’ encouragement.

C.A desire to shoot short videos.

D.A book by Jedidiah Jenkins.

2.Why did Liam feel special in Mexico?

A.He went there for the first time.

B.He found his family tree’s roots.

C.He biked there as scheduled.

D.He had to speak another language.

3.What can we say about Liam’s bike trip from Alaska to Argentina?

A.It’s eventful.    B.It’s pleasant.

C.It’s costly.   D.It’s romantic.

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To inspire our love for nature.

B.To promote the low-carbon travel.

C.To encourage us to see our strengths.

D.To call on us to learn a kind of spirit.

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