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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本译林版(新教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小1010 K
  • 更新时间2024/6/28 13:51:40
    下载统计今日0 总计0
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Timothy was exhausted for he worked extended hours.Although earning a low wage and handling ill-mannered customers,he always put serving those who sat at his tables well on the front burner of his mind.He went about his daily duties carefully,putting on a smiling face as customers complained about the food or questioned the bill.

Usually as night deepened,preparing to close the business,he would notice a couple of customers walk in,sit down and order drinks.Most of the crew had left by closing time,but Timothy stayed to serve.Eventually,the last round was ordered and he gave them the bill.The minimum tip was suggested on the receipt.“Tomorrow will be better,” he murmured.

But luck wouldnt always smile on him.Evening approaching,a group of teenagers stepped in.Thankfully,they were polite and respectful.Their cheerful behavior began to affect him.As always,he did his best to make their dining experience a pleasant one.

Time dragged on and they finished their drinks.He placed the bill on the table,accompanied with some candies.The group placed their notes on the receipt and left smiling.When he returned to clear the table,he was astonished.A tip of $3 was sitting there,staring at him,but their total bill amounted to $100.Hed gone above and beyond to serve them.How could they be so rude?

Later that week,he battled to brush off the awkward memories.He arrived at work and expected it to be like any other day,but there was something left on the desk for him,a two-page handwritten letter from the teenagers with $18 attached,in which they explained they were unaware of how to tip appropriately due to it being their first time in this bar.Everything suddenly made sense.

Timothy thumbed up what they did with a big grin and he was so moved by their gesture that he uploaded a picture of the letter sharing their admirable efforts.The reaction was more than positive.

1.What did Timothy focus on in his job?

A.Getting more tips.

B.Working longer hours.

C.Providing better service.

D.Being a nicer colleague.

2.What made the teenagers leave a tip of $3?

A.Dissatisfaction with the drinks.

B.Ignorance of the tipping culture.

C.Gratefulness to Timothy.

D.Misunderstanding of the bill.

3.Which of the following best describes Timothy?

A.Patient and humorous.

B.Positive and devoted.

C.Generous and tolerant.

D.Ambitious and creative.

4.What can we learn from the teenagers?

A.One good turn deserves another.

B.Actions speak louder than words.

C.Apologies make for harmony.

D.Its good to make things right.

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