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2025版高三一轮复习必修第二册Unit4HistoryandTraditions提能训练(英语 解析版)
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  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小926 K
  • 更新时间2024/6/11 11:30:40
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London can be an expensive city to visit if you go unprepared.If you go sightseeing in London for the first time, it is suggested investing in a London Pass.The London Pass is a digital sightseeing credits package that gives you access to over 80 attractions in the city with a relatively lower cost.For many attractions on the pass, there's no need to pre-book.However, some may have limited capacity, so you'll need to book in advance.

What do you get with The London Pass?

●Incredible savings.

●Access to more than 80 top London attractions.

●Fast entry at selected attractions and sights.

●90-day money-back guarantee.

Go to The London Pass booking page and choose a duration that suits your trip—The London Pass is available for one, two, three, four, five, six, seven or ten consecutive(连续的) days.Download the pass to your phone and plan your sightseeing tours with the app.When you get to the gate of any participating attraction, show your London Pass and head straight inside.

What are our bestsellers?

●2-Day Pass: Child 65.00 Adult 99.00

●3-Day Pass: Child 77.00 Adult 116.00

●5-Day Pass: Child 94.00 Adult 144.00


1Why is The London Pass recommended to travelers B 

AIt offers money-saving tips.

BIt helps to visit London on a budget.

CIt provides access to more attractions.

DIt promises to return money if unused.

解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的“The London Pass is a digital sightseeing credits package that gives you access to over 80 attractions in the city with a relatively lower cost.”可知,伦敦通票是一种数字观光积分套餐,可以让你以相对较低的成本游览伦敦80多个景点。由此可知,伦敦通票可以帮助游览伦敦并节省费用。故选B

2What should you do before using The London Pass B 

ASign up on the page.

BDownload the app.

CBook your tours.

DUpdate your information.

解析:细节理解题。根据文中的“Download the pass to your phone and plan your sightseeing tours with the app.”可知,使用伦敦通票前需先下载应用程序。故选B

3How much should you pay if you want the 3-Day Pass for two parents and a kid C 

A.£164.                          B.£263.

C.£309.                          D.£382.

解析:细节理解题。根据“What are our bestsellers部分第二条“3-Day Pass: Child 77.00 Adult 116.00”可知,两个大人一个小孩购买三天通票的费用为116×277309。故选C

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