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2025版高三一轮复习必修第二册Unit5Music提能训练(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小917 K
  • 更新时间2024/6/11 11:30:13
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You might think that the latest pop hit is created by a machine rather than a human being.Actually, getting artificial intelligence(AI) to understand many aspects of music is easier said than done.Describing things like musical structure, harmony, and form can be difficult enough when speaking with somebody who did not study music theory, let alone a machine.

A new study out of China examines if AI can be taught to recognize some of these features and then to compose music itself.To do this, they used an AI machine enhanced with a program called the Harmony-Aware Hierarchical Music Transformer(HAT)a system that can turn musical data into machine-readable parts and then review those parts for harmony, form, and other musical qualities.The system was then fed hundreds of pieces of human-composed piano music to learn what pop music is supposed to sound like.

To see how well it could perform, the researchers asked the AI to complete a song.They fed the opening of Guang Yin De Gu Shi, a real Chinese pop song, into the AI, and then measured how closely it was able to match the song in terms of generating melodic segments(旋律片段) of similar length.For good measurethey also gave the same task to two other music-generating AI machines which were less advanced than HAT.While HAT outperformed its computer rivals(对手), the segments it created were disconnected from each other and clearly not human-made, though they were roughly the same length as those in the human-made tune.

“There is still a huge gap between the HAT-generated pieces and the real works, ”concluded the authors, suggesting that a future study can attempt to create an AI machine that can“polish”the music it creates to close that gap.


1What can be inferred from Paragraph 1 C 

AIt is difficult to describe many features of music.

BThe latest pop hit is usually created by a machine.

CIt is no easy task for AI to compose the latest pop hit.

DAnything relevant to music is based on music theory.

解析:推理判断题。根据第一段第二句“Actually, getting artificial intelligence(AI) to understand many aspects of music is easier said than done.”可知,让人工智能理解音乐的许多方面,说起来容易做起来难。由此可推知,人工智能创作最新流行歌曲绝非易事。故选C

2Why did the researchers feed the opening of a pop song into the AI B 

ATo test if AI can compose better music than humans.

BTo measure if AI can generate a well-matched song.

CTo analyze what pop music is supposed to sound like.

DTo evaluate if HAT itself could write a complete song.

解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“They fed the opening of Guang Yin De Gu Shi, a real Chinese pop song, into the AI, and then measured how closely it was able to match the song in terms of generating melodic segments(旋律片段) of similar length.”可知,研究人员先给人工智能输入流行歌曲的开头,让它完成剩余曲子的创作,然后来评价它创作的相似长度的旋律片段是否能够接近原作,以此来衡量它是否能创作出匹配的歌曲。故选B

3Which phrase can replace the underlined part in Paragraph 3 A 

AIn addition.                    BIn short.

CIn conclusion.                  DIn contrast.


4What will the future study probably focus on A 

ADesigning an AI machine that perfects its own music.

BProgramming an AI machine that composes the latest pop hit.

CMaking a machine that recognizes musical qualities.

DDeveloping a system that generates tunes automatically.

解析:推理判断题。最后一段中的“...suggesting that a future study can attempt to create an AI machine that can ‘polish’ the music it creates to close that gap.”可知,未来的研究可以尝试创造一种能够润色它所创造的音乐以缩小这种差距的人工智能机器。此处的polish对应A项中的perfects。故选A

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