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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本人教版(新教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小58 K
  • 更新时间2022/10/7 15:10:14
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(2021·河北石家庄质监检测)Folk on the subway dont talk. They dont want you to interrupt their day. I was given the __1__ long ago.

One day, I climbed on the subway and there was only one __2__ seat. I scrunched into the space beside a woman and immediately she complained in a(n) __3__ manner, Oh yeah, she had to sit here. It makes me all uncomfortable.

Im sorry,” I told her. Do you want me to __4__?”

With a huge sigh, she __5__ back, I suppose you can stay.

The words were okay but her __6__ told me I was not welcome.

I can move, really, especially if it is __7__ you,” I said __8__.

Another __9__ and she told me to stay.

Okay, __10__ dont want me to interrupt them on the subway. __11__ I figured we could have a conversation. I asked her if she had ever been out to Alberta. She waited all of two seconds and then responded, No, but weve been through it on the way to Vancouver.

I love it there,” I told her and went on to __12__ the great weather and friendly people. Where are you from originally?” I asked.

Now here was a __13__ she wanted to talk about and soon I __14__ her life in the old country. She talked until it was time for her to get off. Then she __15__ and warmly said goodbye.

Hey, this subway traveling is okay!

1A. decision                       Boption

Crule                              Dorder

2A. occupied                       Breserved

Ccomfortable                       Dempty

3A. unpleasant                     Bcalm

Cunusual                           Dcasual

4A. switch                         Bmove

Chelp                              Dwait

5A. whispered                      Bscreamed

Cargued                            Dfought

6A. appearance                     Bvoice

Cbehavior                          Dfigure

7A. inspiring                      Bsurprising

Cembarrassing                      Dbothering

8A. desperately                    Bsharply

Csincerely                         Dconfidently

9A. attempt                        Bglance

Chesitation                        Dsigh

10A. strangers                     Bconductors

Ctourists                          Dperformers

11A. Apparently                    BTherefore

CEventually                        DStill

12A. evaluate                      Bmention

Cimagine                           Ddebate

13A. topic                         Bconclusion

Cplan                              Dcareer

14A. cared about                   Blonged for

Clearned about                     Dthought of

15A. pushed                        Bsmiled

Chesitated                         Dclapped


1C 本空指的是上文提到的“Folk on the subway dont talk. They dont want you to interrupt their day. ”可知,此处表示这是很久以前别人告诉作者的规则。故选C项。

2D 根据下文中的“I scrunched into the space beside a woman…”可以推断,地铁上有一个空座。故选D项。

3A 根据下文中的“Oh yeah, she had to sit here. It makes me all uncomfortable. ”可以推断,这位女士对于作者坐在她身边很不开心。故选A项。

4B 根据下文中的“I can move”可知,作者问那位女士是否需要自己离开那个座位。故选B项。

5A 结合语境和下文中的“I suppose you can stay. ”可知,尽管这位女士对于作者坐在她身边感到不开心,但是并没有大声发作,所以此处用whispered。故选A项。

6B 根据语境可知,尽管这位女士嘴上说作者可以坐在那里,但是她的声音告诉作者她不欢迎作者。故选B项。

7D 根据上文中讲到的“It makes me all uncomfortable. ”“I was not welcome”可以推断,作者坐在那个座位上似乎打扰(bothering)到了那位女士。故选D项。

8C 根据上文中的“Im sorryDo you want me to __4__?”“ I can move, really…”可以推断,作者真诚地询问这位女士自己是否需要离开。故选C项。

9D 根据上文中提到的“With a huge sigh”并结合空前的Another可知,空处为词汇复现,表示“又一声叹息”。故选D项。

10A 根据常识可知,地铁上的乘客一般都是陌生人。故选A项。

11D 空前一句讲到了“地铁上的陌生人不想要我打扰他们”,而空后则讲到了“我想我们可以聊天”,据此可知,前后形成了转折,故空处选择DStill,意为“但,不过”。故选D项。

12B 结合语境可知,作者和这位女士开始聊天,并逐渐提到了天气和人等话题。故选B项。

13A 根据语境可知,作者与这位女士谈到了一个她愿意聊的话题。故选A项。

14C 根据常识可知,随着双方交谈的深入,作者逐渐了解到这位女士的生活。故选C项。

15B 根据下文中的“warmly said goodbye”可以推断,两人的聊天十分愉快,临别的时候这位女士对作者微笑并热情地道别。故选B项。

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