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  • 更新时间2022/9/12 11:48:26
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Does it seem like hotel costs just go up and up? It's true that they rise each year, sometimes significantly. When determining which hotel has the best deal, you don't just want to look at the nightly price anymore. There are so many other factors to consider to help you save money, both before you book and during your stay. Here are some tips to help you make the best decision.

Go out to eat

Though room service sounds really appealing, prices for food on the menu can be twice as much as you would pay for the same 1xl at a restaurant. Tips are always included in the bill and usually masked as a delivery charge. Most guests don't know this and add a tip to the bill when the waiter brings their food.

Ask for a corner room

Though this won't technically save you any money, corner rooms are usually a bit larger than regular rooms, which give you a better deal for your money. Once you check in, ask if one of these rooms is available. This is easier if you show up close to check-in time, but before the flood of guests show up to get their keys. You can also call ahead and request a corner room with your existing reservation.

Bring your own snacks

Anything is better than the rates for items in the mini bar. The prices are horrible and don't even think about trying to replace it with the same item later.

Avoid the weekend

Hotels in popular destinations regularly raise their rates on Fridays and Saturdays. In some cases, it can be as much as three times more than Sunday through Thursday nights.

21. What is the aim of this text?

A. How to save money.            B. How to decrease the tips.

C. How to choose a good hotel.      D. How to increase the nightly rate.

22. Which service cost you more?

A. Go out to eat.   B. Room service.   C. Ask for a corner room.   D. Bring your own snacks.

23. When is a good choice to hook a hotel?

A. Fridays.      B. Saturdays.      C. Sundays.       D. Holidays.

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