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四川省雅安中学2021-2022学年高二上学期10月月考试题(英语 解析版)
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Tyler Quick Fan Club

Being a member of the Tyler Quick (TQ) fan club is so much fun! You can keep up with the latest news, and take part in many exciting member events. All members will receive our New Member’s Pack. It contains a membership card, a free signed poster, and a copy of TQ’s third album Speeding Up. The New Member’s Pack will be delivered to your home, and will arrive a week or so after you join the fan club.

TQ is loved all around the world. You can join from any country, and you can use the membership card for one year. The TQ fan club has three types of membership: Pacer, Speeder and Zoomer.

Please choose from the membership options below

What You Get (?)

Membership Options


( $ 20 )


( $ 40 )


( $ 60 )

Regular emails and the password for online magazines




Early information on dates for concert tours




TQ’s weekly video messages




Monthly picture postcards




A TQ fan club calendar




Invitations to special signing events




20% off concert tickets




Check it out!

Join before May 10 and you’ll receive a $ 10 discount on your membership fee!

There is a $ 4 delivery fee for every New Member’s Pack.

At the end of your first year, you can either renew or upgrade(升级) it at a 50% discount.

Whether you are a Pacer, a Speeder, or a Zoomer, you will love being a member of the TQ fan club. For more information, or to join, click here.

1. What do we know about the New Member’s Pack?

A. It includes TQ’s first album.                                     B. It is only given to Zoomers.

C. It has three items inside.                                           D. It takes about 10 days to arrive.

2. What will you get as a Pacer?

A. Discounted concert tickets and a calendar.                 B. Regular emails and signing event invitations.

C. Tour information and postcards every month.             D. Video messages and access to online magazines.

3. What can you do after being a Speeder member for a year?

A. Become a Zoomer for $ 50.                                      B. Get a New Member’s Pack again.

C. Renew your membership at half price.                       D. Update your membership for $ 4.

【答案】1. C    2. D    3. C


【分析】这是一篇应用文。文章内容是Tyler Quick粉丝俱乐部招收会员的广告。


细节理解题。根据第一段第四句It contains a membership card, a free signed poster, and a copy of TQ’s third album Speeding Up(其中包括一张会员卡、一张免费的签名海报及TQ第三张专辑Speeding Up)可知,该粉丝俱乐部的新成员包里一共有三种东西。故选C项。


细节理解题。根据文中表格Pacer一栏内容可知,如果成为俱乐部的Pacer身份,就可享有Regular emails and the password for online magazines(定期的电子邮件和线上杂志的密码)”“Early information on dates for concert tours(更早的音乐会巡演的日期信息)TQ’s weekly video messages(TQ每周的视频消息),只有D选项是符合的。故选D项。


细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二句At the end of your first year, you can either renew or upgrade(升级) it at a 50% discount.(第一年结束时,选择更新或者升级会员资格,都可以享受五折优惠)可知,成为会员的第一年后,是可以打五折进行更新或升级的。故选C项。

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