People who are new to job search find it very challenging sometimes to find jobs. Here are 4 best job hunting websites where you can find your dream jobs easily!
This is not only the best job hunting website but also a wonderful social networking site! People can also post photos, updates and like and comment on it.
l Linked-In is the only website that allows you to post updates when you need a job.
l If you have a lot of connections, all people who’re in your list can see your update and can give you some help.
l Linked-In also allows you to connect with people who’re not in your contacts and access any job chances.
This is another huge job board which you can access even from your mobile.
l You only need to sign up once for free with either your Facebook or Gmail id and password.
l It shows you exactly what you’re looking for from its huge database.
Indeed is perfect for those who have no specific target in their minds because it owns a huge database that will show you various jobs among which you can always find a suitable one.
l You don’t need to to sign up. You can simply provide your email address and can upload your profile.
l Indeed will let you save the job for a later date to apply if you’re not too sure about whether you should apply right away or not.
Shine is a good example of smart job search. You don’t need to do much. Simply upload your profile and you’re done for hundreds of jobs.
l You can sign up with your Linked-In account and upload all the details you’ve already uploaded in Linked-In.
l It allows you to choose a specific location and search jobs according to your keyword search.
21. Which website you may go searching if you are not sure about what kind of job you want?
A. Linked-In
B. CareerBuilder
C. Shine.com
D. Indeed
22. Which of the following is true according to this passage?
A. People need to sign up to search for a job on all these websites.
B. People can also connect with new people on some of these websites.
C. A computer is needed to get access to all these websites.
D. Each of these websites allows people to post updates .
23. Which of the following can be a suitable title for this passage?
A. How to find your dream job
B. Smart job hunting
C. Best job hunting websites
D. Perfect website for your future