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安徽省亳州市2021-2022学年高二上学期期末考试试题 (英语)
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  • 文件大小968 K
  • 更新时间2022/7/7 10:10:23
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Four best destinations named by Lonely Planet for 2022


When people discuss Nepal, it’s nearly impossible to talk about Mount Everest. But this Himalayan nation has so much more on offer for travelers who aren’t climbing the world's highest mountain,

In the remote region of Mustangwhich means “fertile plain”, tourists can explore the high desert and meet locals at homestays along the way, dining on Nepali specialties.


Mauritius is in the Indian Ocean about 700 miles east of Madagascar. Here are some reasons for visiting this underrated African getaway. It’s inhabited by a multi-racial, peaceful people, covered in great golf courses, offering myriad water sports, luxurious resorts, an old colonial capital, great food, one of the world's best gardens, good nightlife, and great sightseeing.


Norway consistently lies on lists of the world' s happiest countries. So what's the secret? Mette-Marit, one of the country’s royals, has one answer: “We love being outside in nature.”

If you want to channel that peaceful energy for yourself, head to Bkeskogen, the world's northernmost beech forest.

Cook Islands

This group of 15 islands in the South Pacific was at the top of many Lonely Planet workers' wish lists for 2022 and beyond

What’s on offer? Water-centric activities like snorkeling, diving and fishing, not to mention a look at the native Maori community in Te Vara Nui Village.

1. What can tourists do in Nepal?

A. Visit ancient buildings.     B. Explore a desert.             C. Go fishing.                     D. Play golf.

2. Why is Norway one of the happiest countries?

A. People there can admire best gardens.                        B. People there can enjoy water sports.

C. People there have good nightlife.                               D. People there love being close to nature.

3. What do Mauritius and Cook Islands have in common?

A. They both offer water sports.                                   B. They both lie in the Indian Ocean.

C. They both have many different races.                        D. They both have great beech forests

【答案】1. B    2. D    3. A

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