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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 文件大小963 K
  • 更新时间2022/7/7 10:09:51
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Five of the Most Interesting Customs in the World

Switzerland- -Honesty shopping

There are little shops in the middle of the Swiss Alps that allow you to buy your fresh cheese, milk, bread, honey,and butter without anyone to watch you. In fact, no one watches these shops because they are owned by farmers who are out taking care of the animals.

South Korea—NOT tipping

Tipping is in the blood for someone who is raised in the United States along with many other European countries. But in South Korea, employees in the food service industry are given fair wages and take pride in their work,and it is disrespectful to attempt to tip them.

Iceland—Christmas Eve books giving

People puzzle over the question of Christmas gifts. Iceland has solved this problem with the Christmas Eve tradition of giving a book. After everyone unwraps the books, they spend the evening reading together.

Japan—Pushers on the subway

Japan’s subway is crowded during rush hours. But instead of settling for the inefficiency that personal space demands,Japan has“pushers" . They are exactly what they sound like- -employees whose only job during rush hour is to push more people onto the train.

Russia—Offering vodka

It is the custom to welcome new friends with shots of vodka. What better way to break the ice than with some stomach-warming shots of this Russian tradition? That’s something we can all toast to, or, as they say in Russia, “Na zdorovye!”

1. In which of the countries is it a tradition to give books as a Christmas gift?

A. Japan.                           B. South Korea.                  C. Iceland.                         D. Russia.

2. What can we learn from the text?

A. Tipping is in the blood for people in South Korea.

B. “Pushers” in Japan help you get off the train faster.

C. It is common to welcome guests with vodka in Japan.

D. No one watches you shop in some Swiss little shops.

3. Who might be the target readers?

A. Those who want to learn Russian.

B. Those who are fond of natural scenery.

C. Those who are interested in global customs.

D. Those who intend to travel in their home country.

【答案】1 C    2. D    3. C

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