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Music, nature and picnics in the sun: here are the best operas to catch this summer.

Opera Holland Park, London

For a mixture of urban and country operas, this open-air theatre is built each summer right in the heart of one of the most quiet parks of London. Book early as tickets sell out fast, and remember to bring a blanket to keep yourself warm on chillier summer evenings!

July 19 to August 3, operahollandpark.com

Glyndebourne Festival Opera, East Sussex

Glyndebourne is one of the oldest opera festivals in the world. It attracts some of the world’s greatest artists. Besides, the festival’s the perfect occasion to put on your black tie or evening dress, enjoy a long picnic during the 90-minute interval (间隔). Summer festivals don’t get better than this.

July 15 to August 5, glyndebourne.com

Grange Park Opera, Surrey

Though it’s relatively new, the festival attracts some of the world’s top talents and this year’s edition is no different, featuring performances by one of the world’s most charming mezzo-sopranos, Joyce DiDonato, and the charismatic baritone Simon Keenlyside.

July 6 to August 5, grangeparkopera.co.uk

The Grange Festival, Hampshire

Surrounded by lots of green plants and overseeing a beautiful lake, the Grange Festival in Hampshire is certain to be one of the most impressive feasts for your eyes. Arrive a bit early to take in the countryside views. During the lengthy interval, you’ll enjoy a romantic dinner—an essential part of the festival.

July 1 to August 29, thegrangefestival.co.uk

1. What should you do if you go to Opera Holland Park?

A. Put on your best dress                     B. Book tickets early.

C. Enjoy a romantic dinner.                   D. Perform on the stage.

2. How long does Glyndebourne Festival Opera last?

A. For about half a month.                    B. For about three weeks.

C. For about a month.                         D. For about two months.

3. Which of the following may have the most beautiful natural environment?

A. Opera Holland Park.                        B. Glyndebourne Festival Opera.

C. Grange Park Opera.                         D. The Grange Festival.

【答案】1. B    2. B    3. D




细节理解题。由Opera Holland Park, London下的第一段中的Book early as tickets sell out fast, and remember to bring a blanket to keep yourself warm on chillier summer evenings! (票很快售光了,要早点订票,记住在寒冷的夏夜带上毯子保暖!)可知,如果去Opera Holland Park,你要早点订票。故选B项。


细节理解题。由Glyndebourne Festival Opera, East Sussex下的第二段中的July 15 to August 5, glyndebourne.com (715日至85日,glyndebourne.com)可知,Glyndebourne Festival Opera持续大约三个星期。故选B项。


细节理解题。由The Grange Festival, Hampshire下的第一段中的Surrounded by lots of green plants and overseeing a beautiful lake, the Grange Festival in Hampshire is certain to be one of the most impressive feasts for your eyes. (汉普郡的Grange节被许多绿色植物环绕,俯瞰着一个美丽的湖泊,一定是你所见过的最令人印象深刻的视觉盛宴之一。)可知,The Grange Festival拥有最美丽的自然环境。故选D项。

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