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Home fires can happen quicklydestroying lives and property(财产)but unlike other disastersmost home fires can be prevented Read on to learn 4 unexpected home fire dangersHaving old smoke alarms

An effective smoke alarm can make all the difference when it comes to surviving a house fire It's not enough to change the batteries twice a year You also need to replace your alarms every decade "You should test your smoke alarms every month" says Lorriane Carli vice president of promotion and advocacy for the National Fire Protection Association "But also don't forget to check the dates and replace an alarm that is more than 10 years old"

Leaving the kitchen while you cook

One in five Americans admitted leaving food cooking unattended on the stove found an American Red Cross survey Walking away from food cooking in the kitchen is a serious fire risk "The leading cause of home fire is cooking and the leading cause of those fires is unattended cooking" says Carli If you need to use the stove or oven be sure to keep an eye on it

Turning the heat too high when you cook

Cranking up the heat too high can be deadly even if you're in the kitchen while you cook Kevin Kelley senior director of community preparedness programs for the American Red Cross recommends paying close attention and turning off the burner if you see smoke or grease (油脂) starting to boil while frying food

Having a dirty stove while you cook

If your stove is covered with grease a small kitchen fire can get out of hand quickly Clean and clear the area around the stove before turning on the heat Or the result will be dangerous

1. What is the passage about

A. Small things to cause home fires

B. The ways to prevent home fires

C. The danger of the home fires

D. The importance of an effective smoke alarm

2. What is the leading cause of fires from kitchen

A. Leaving the kitchen while cooking

B. Cooking while staying in the kitchen

C. Cleaning a dirty stove

D. Replacing an alarm

3. Which of the following is correct

A. Unexpected home fire dangers can't be prevented

B. Having a dirty stove is dangerous while you cook

C. Kevin Kelley suggests paying no attention to cooking

D. It is advisable to replace your alarms every month

【答案】1. A    2. A    3. B




主旨大意题。阅读全文以及根据第一段Home fires can happen quickly destroying lives and property(财产) but unlike other disasters most home fires can be prevented Read on to learn 4 unexpected home fire dangers(家庭火灾可以迅速发生,摧毁生命和财产,但与其他灾害不同,大多数家庭火灾是可以预防的,请继续阅读,了解4种意想不到的家庭火灾危险。)可知本文主要讲述了引起家庭火灾的小东西。故选A


细节理解题。根据Leaving the kitchen while you cook部分"The leading cause of home fire is cooking and the leading cause of those fires is unattended cooking" says Carli(“家庭火灾的主要原因是烹饪,而这些火灾的主要原因是无人看管的烹饪。凯莉说。”)可知,厨房起火的主要原因是做饭时离开厨房。故选A


细节理解题。根据 Having a dirty stove while you cook部分If your stove is covered with grease a small kitchen fire can get out of hand quicklyClean and clear the area around the stove before turning on the heatOr the result will be dangerous.(如果你的炉子上沾满了油脂,厨房里的小火很快就会失去控制.在打开暖气之前,先把炉子周围的区域清理干净,否则后果很危险。)可知,做饭的时候有一个脏炉子是危险的。故选B

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