Stepping out of jail into the cold wind, Bob, now 58, felt lost and helpless.
“Twenty years is a long time,” he smiled bitterly, not knowing where to go.He had no family, and had never heard a word from Jimmy again since that cold, dark night.“Was he ashamed of having a friend like me?”Bob longed for an answer.
“Excuse me, sir, are you Bob? ”Bob heard the voice of a young man.
“Yes.” He turned around and was surprised to find a familiarlooking man in his thirties.“Have we met before?”
“No,sir,” replied the man.“My father told me to meet you today.I have a note for you from him.”
Doubtfully, Bob unfolded the note.His hands were shaking by the time he had finished reading.
Bob, the doctor says I've only got three months.I'm afraid I won't be able to meet you this time, but you'll always be my dear friend.
“You're Jimmy's son?!” Bob shouted in surprise.
“Yes,sir,” the young man smiled. “And my name is Bob.”
文章开头作者运用cold wind,cold, dark night等环境描写衬托出了主人公Bob的心境;运用心理描写表现出了主人公Bob的无助、无奈、困惑的心情;运用自言自语道出了主人公Bob对朋友的渴望以及对自己的自我安慰。最后,在朋友儿子出现后,作者通过shaking等动作描写表现出了主人公的感动之情;通过surprised,doubtfully, shouted等词对人物进行了生动地刻画。最后通过朋友儿子的自我介绍对文章主题进行升华,使文章回味无穷。
lost and helpless→not knowing where to go→ surprised→doubtfully→ shouted in surprise