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(外研版)2021届高三一轮总复习课时作业28Module4Carnival(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小948 K
  • 更新时间2020/9/15 16:24:06
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Winners of 2019 Gloria Barron Prize

Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes is an award that celebrates young people from across North America who have had a positive impact on people, their communities and the environment, Each year, the Prize honors 25 young leaders from ages 8 to 18. Fifteen top winners each receive $10,000 to support their service work or higher education. Here are some of the teenagers who have won the prize this year.

Charlie Abrams, 15, and Jeremy Clark, 14, of Oregon, who co­founded Affected Generation, a youth­led nonprofit working to fight climate change, help implement (实施) effective climate policy, and create environmental films.

Anna Du, 13, of Massachusetts, who invented a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) that detects micro­plastics on the ocean floor. She also wrote a children's book, Microplastics and Me, and has raised more than $7,000 to distribute the book free to libraries in high­need communities.

Garyk Brixi, 18, of Maryland, who developed better life­saving relief food for starving children in developing countries. He is now teaming with an NGO (非政府组织) to begin producing his food in Malawi.

Katherine McPhie, 17, and Milan Narula, 16, of California, who co­founded Open Sesame Coding for Kids and have taught computer coding skills to more than 100 children living in homeless and domestic violence shelters.

Will, 14, and Matthew Gladstone, 11, of Massachusetts, who co­founded the blue Feet Foundation to help save the blue­footed booby (鲣鸟). They have sold more than 10,000 pairs of bright blue socks to raise more than $80,000 to fund research to study the bird's decline in the Galapagos Islands.


1What words can best describe the winners of Gloria Barron Prize?

AClever and socially active.         

BIndependent and adventurous.

CCooperative and open­minded.        

DInspiring and socially responsible.


解析:推理判断题。根据文章第一段句子Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes is an award that celebrates young people from across North America who have had a positive impact on people, their communities and the environment.再结合下文对获奖者的介绍可判断他们都是鼓舞人心的,对社会负责的。

2How many winners are awarded for their contributions to the environment in the text?

AThree.                               BFour.

CFive.                                DSix.


解析:细节理解题。文章先后介绍了五位对环境做出贡献的获奖者,他们是:Charlie AbramsJeremy ClarkAnna DuWill Matthew Gladstone

3What can we know about the winners of the prize?

AAnna Du made a difference with her writing abilitie.

BCharlie Abrams has created many environmental films.

CMilan Narula is teaching computer coding skills at a school.

DWill is studying the booby's decrease in the Galapagos Islands.


解析:推理判断题。根据文章第三段可知,马萨诸塞州13岁的安娜·杜发明了一种远程操作车辆(ROV),可以探测海底的微型塑料。她还写了一本儿童读物《微型塑料和我》,筹集了7 000多美元,免费分发给高需求社区的图书馆。她利用自己的写作能力做出来贡献。

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