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What is PayQuick?
PayQuick is a fast payment service for shopping in the biggest supermarket in UK — Tesco. It allows you to add your credit or debit card details to the app so you can use your smartphone to pay for your shopping with just one scan, which means you can go wallet-free in all UK Tesco stores.
What are the benefits?
          Collect your Tesco points automatically
          Pay for your weekly shopping up to £250
          Use PayQuick offline, even with no signal
          Track your spending in Tesco
However, only one qualifying deal per week will collect the extra Tesco points. Additional payments in the same week won't receive extra points. Tesco points will be added to your future Tesco points statement.
How to get your PayQuick?
Available to new customers who sign up by 3rd March 2024, the PayQuick app can be downloaded from the App Store or our official website. Once you have the app on your phone, register your personal details on the app to get an account. Note that for each customer, only one account is allowed and a family shared account will not be acknowledged. Finally, with all the preparation work done, you'll be ready to shop using just your phone.
Plus, there's no need to worry about your bank details being stored on your phone — they’re all securely protected in our data centers. So not only is it quicker and easier, it’s safer than going shopping with your wallet as well.
21. If customers use PayQuick in UK Tesco stores, they can ______.
A. purchase things only offline B. get their Tesco points automatically
C. keep track of their daily spending               D. pay for their shopping without limit
22. Which is NOT a must for PayQuick users?
A. To register by 3rd March 2024. B. To download the PayQuick app.
C. To bring their phones with them.                 D. To share the account with their family.
23. What is the author's intention in writing this passage?
A. To ensure the safety of PayQuick.
B. To stress the importance of PayQuick.
C. To popularize the use of PayQuick.
D. To illustrate the application of PayQuick.
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