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(外研版)2021高考一轮统考复习Book8Module3ForeignFood课时作业(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小954 K
  • 更新时间2020/8/14 16:28:48
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 (2019·陕西省部分学校摸底检测)There is a good chance that you have played Monopoly. __1__ you have not played this board game, a  quick __2__ is in order. At the start of the game all the players are __3__ some fake cash. __4__ every player gets to roll the dice to move around the board. When the dice lands on a property on the board they can __5__ it if it is not already owned. But if it is already owned by another player they have to pay rent to the __6__. The more properties you own the more rent you __7__. The aim of the game is to __8__ the entire economy. The game ends when the monopolist (垄断者) owns __9__ and all other players are driven into bankruptcy (破产)

Over the years this game has come to be seen by many __10__ as a good game to “teach” children __11__ knowledge. It not only helps children understand how the world of money __12__ but also “teaches” them skills to negotiate and make tough decisions—__13__ life skills, in today's __14__ world.

What might __15__ you is that __16__ this game is called Monopoly, it was called The Landlord's Game. The game designer Elizabeth Magie had almost the __17__ vision of what the game has now come to be. She wanted to __18__ the game to teach the __19__ of the cruel capitalism (资本主义)

Perhaps when you play this game next time, you will think __20__ before making your best friend totally bankrupt.


1A.In case                                  BAs if

CIf only                                    DEven though

答案:A 根据下文介绍大富翁游戏的步骤可推知,以防(in case)你没有玩过这个大富翁游戏,一个快捷的(游戏)说明是适宜的。as if “似乎,好像”;if only “但愿”;even though “即使”。

2A.response                                 Brecovery

Cexample                                   Dexplanation

答案:D 此处指对大富翁游戏的说明(explanation)response “回答”;recovery “恢复”;example “例子”。

3A.paid                                     Bgiven

Cshown                                     Dreturned

答案:B 根据大富翁游戏的规则,一开始的时候,玩游戏的人被给予(given)一些假的现金。pay “付款”;show “展示”;return “归还”。

4A.Still                                     BThen

CFinally                                    DPerhaps

答案:B 根据上文的“At the start of”可知,此处表示“接下来”。then “接下来,然后”,符合语境。still “仍然”;finally “最后”;perhaps “可能”,故选B项。

5A.buy                                     Bearn

Cpick                                      Dborrow

答案:A 根据上文中的“some fake cash”和空后的“if it is not already owned”可推知,如果这个房产不属于其他人,你可以买(buy)下它。earn “获得”;pick “捡起”; borrow “借”。

6A.owner                                  Borganizer

Cstarter                                    Ddesigner

答案:A 根据空前的“if it is already owned by another player”可知,如果这处房产被其他人拥有,就必须给拥有这个房产的人租金。owner “所有者”,符合语境。organizer “组织者”;starter “参赛人,发令员”;designer “设计者”。

7A.owe                                    Bafford

Creduce                                    Dcollect

答案:D 根据空前的“The more properties you own”可知,你拥有的房产越多,你收(collect)的租金就越多。owe “负债”;afford “提供”;reduce “减少”。

8A.ruin                                    Bstudy

Ccontrol                                   Ddevelop

答案:C 根据该句“The aim of the game is to __8__ the entire economy.”和上文讲的游戏规则可推知,游戏的目的是控制(control)整个经济。ruin “毁坏”; study “学习”;develop “发展”。

9A.nothing                                 Banything

Csomething                                Deverything

答案:D 根据空后的“and all other players are driven into bankruptcy(破产)”可知,游戏以垄断者拥有所有的财产,其他人全部破产而结束,故选D项。

10A.adults                                 Bchildren

Cmerchants                                Dgames

答案A 根据本段内容及空后的as a good game to teach’ children可知成年人(adults)通过这个游戏教孩子金融方面的知识。

11A.detailed                               Badvanced

Cfinancial                                 Dpolitical

答案:C 根据上文对游戏的说明,可知是教孩子金融方面的知识。detailed “细致的”;advanced “先进的”;financial “金融的”; political “政治的”。下文中的“the world of money”也是信息提示。

12A.changes                              Boperates

Cbegins                                  Dends

答案:B 根据上下文可知,大富翁游戏让孩子们知道金钱的世界是如何运作的。operate “运作”,符合语境。change “改变”;begin “开始”;end “结束”。

13A.original                             Burgent

Cnecessary                              Drelated

答案:C 根据空前的“skills to negotiate and make tough decisions”可知,这些是必要的(necessary)生活技能。original “最初的”;urgent “紧急的”;related “相关的”。

14A.new                                Bdigital

Cstrange                                Dcompetitive

答案:D 根据上下文及常识可知,当今的世界是一个竞争的(competitive)世界。new “新的”;digital “数字的”;strange “奇怪的”。

15A.annoy                               Battract

Csatisfy                                 Dsurprise

答案:D 可能使你惊讶的是这个游戏在叫大富翁之前,被称为地主游戏。surprise “使惊奇”,符合语境。annoy “使恼怒”;attract “吸引”;satisfy “使满意”。

16A.once                                Bbefore

Cthough                                 Dbecause

答案:B 此处指在大富翁这个名字之前(before)的名字。

17A.double                              Bunique

Copposite                               Dsame

答案:C 根据上下文可知,游戏的设计者本来是用这个游戏让人们知道残酷的资本主义的危险,而现在却被用来教导孩子们金融知识,甚至谈判技能,故此处表示迥然不同的(opposite)构想。double “双的”;unique “独特的”;same “同样的”。

18A.use                                 Bwin

Chost                                   Daccept

答案:A 此处表示“她之前想用这个游戏……”。use “用”;win “赢得”;host “主持”;accept “接受”,故选A项。

19A.future                               Bdangers

Cinventions                              Dimportance

答案B 根据空后的“cruel capitalism”可知应是残酷的资本主义的危险。future 将来”;danger 危险”;invention 发明”;importance 重要”,故选B项。

20A.casually                             Bsimply

Ccarefully                               Dindependently

答案:C 根据上文残酷的资本主义的危险可知,在让你的好朋友完全破产前要仔细思考。carefully “小心地,仔细地”,符合语境。casually “随便地”;simply “只,不过”;independently “独立地”。


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