高考对构词法的考察并不直接, 多在阅读中和完形中考察。新课标对构词法提出了较高的要求, 为了适应新课标的要求, 全面扩大词汇量, 应十分注重构词法的学习。学习构词法不应盲目, 而应遵循构词法的规律。事实证明, 高考试题中所涉及的构词法均是按规律形成的词。
1. At times ,worrying is a normal ,_______ response to a difficult event or situation ---a loved one being injured in an accident , for example .
A. effective B. individual C. inevitable D. unfavorable
解析: inevitable = that cannot be avoided ;that is sure to happen 不可避免的;必然发生的;effective 有效的;individual 个人的;unfavorable 不利的, 有害的;不赞成的。