(2015·镇江市高三教学情况调研)“I decided that my education was the most important thing that I could ever have, because without your education, you can’t do much in this world. Some people find out the hard way. I did not want to be one of those people.”
Seventeenyearold high school senior Diamond May is devoted to her education. She takes all collegelevel classes in her school’s demanding International Baccalaureate program, where her gradepoint average last year was above a 4.0. Her favorite subjects are math, biology, psychology, and “Theory of Knowledge”, and she’s considering forensic science, mechanical engineering, and architecture as possible careers. Diamond also lives in southeast Washington, D.C., one of the most poverty and violencestricken neighborhoods in our nation’s capital — and was homeless for part of her sophomore year and nearly all of her junior year.