The nurse approached him, smiling. “The labor is going great,” she said. “wouldn't you like to come in?”
“Oh, no.” The man shook his .
The nurse the mother's side, and the labor progressed . As the birth neared, the nurse returned to the man, now frantically (烦躁地)in the hall. “She's doing so well,” she________him. “Wouldn't you like to at least come in and see her?”
The man seemed to slightly,then shook his head again. “No, no, I couldn't do that.” He jingled (使发出叮当声)car keys in his sweaty and restarted his pacing.
The nurse went back into the and coached Mom's great efforts in pushing the baby into the . As the baby's head began to appear,the nurse raced to the hall, the man by his elbow, and ________him to the bedside saying, “You have got to see this!”