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【CXSJ】2016江苏专用高考英语二轮专题复习 第7练
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小118 K
  • 更新时间2015/11/20 14:49:21
    下载统计今日0 总计9
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 7练 完形填空+阅读理解


体裁:记叙文 话题:励志人生 词数:296 时间:15′

(2015·湖北八市3月联考)Tony set off for home again without having eaten sinceas usualone of the older boys had taken his packed lunch.Angry and __1__Tony rushed to the parkwhen he suddenly saw a wasp(黄蜂) flying about among the rose bushes.It __2__ himmaking him get away from the roses immediately.Thena __3__ came into his headhow is it that something so much __4__ than himself could frighten him like that?

Having __5__ the insects for a whilehe had a good understanding of the wasp's __6__it was fear.A wasp could never __7__ a personbut everyone was so afraid of its sting that they left the wasp __8__So Tony spent that night __9__ what his “sting” could be.

The next dayTony seemed like a __10__ boy.No longer did he walk with his eyes fixed on the groundnor did he __11__ nervously when people spoke to him.Insteadhe became brave and __12__ready to face up to anyone.The boy who stole his packed lunch that day ate so spicy a sausage sandwich that he __13__ crying and coughing.Never again did he rob Tony of his lunches.Another older boy __14__ to hit Tonybut this time Tony looked at the boy __15__ and bravely.From memoryhe told him the __16__ of his parentshis teacherand the boy's own mother__17__ you hit me I'll call themand you'll be severely punished.The boy turned around and __18__ from the scene.

r6o:��� @� �it takes a little longer to do things he said.

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