1.I swam,pushed ________ by the wind and the water.
2.I tried to rise,but found that my arms and legs were strongly tied ________ the ground.
3.I heard a confused noise ________ me,but could see nothing ________ the sky.
4.I was completely surprised and shouted so loudly that they all ran back ________ fear.
5.I shouted ________ pain and decided to wait till night,when I could easily free myself.
6.He had to wait ________ what seemed ________ ages in the doctor’s surgery.
7.The man next ________ him was looking at his watch nervously,a woman was coughing badly and a baby was screaming.
8.Finally,after he had been waiting for ________ half an hour,he was called in.
9.A middleaged man had had problems ________ work and his wife had left him to go ________ with a lion tamer.
10.Whenever the magician performed,the parrot always told the audience the secrets ________ his magic tricks.