Garlic is one of the most common flavors in our kitchen. It not only tastes wonderful, but also it’s very good for your body. It is one of Mother Nature’s most precious gifts to cooks of all levels.
Choose garlic heads that are firm to the touch, with no scars or soft cloves (蒜瓣). If you notice dark, powdery patches under the skin, pass it up because this is an indication of a common mold which will eventually spoil the flesh.
Store unpeeled heads of garlic in an open container in a cool, dry place away from other foods. Do not refrigerate or freeze unpeeled garlic. Properly stored garlic can keep up to three months.
As garlic ages, it will begin to produce green sprouts in the center of each clove. These infant green sprouts can be bitter, so throw them before using the garlic for your recipe. However, if you plant the cloves and let them grow to a height of about six inches, you can use the sprouts like chives (韭黄) in salads and such.