Translation (Text)
1. 在交流时,为了避免语言障碍可以用集体语言来表达用意。(communicate)
While communicating with others, we may use body language to communicate our ideas to people so as to avoid language obstacles.
2. 老师独特的演讲方式已经一起了我们的兴趣。(arouse)
The teacher’s unique way of making his speech has aroused our interest.
3. 学好英语建立在常规的练习上。(base)
Learning English well is based on regular practice.
4. 如果你的笑话不好笑,那就需要换种方式了。(go down; call )
If your joke hasn’t gone down well, a new way of speaking is called for, then.
5. 即将以陶行知的名义在我校召开一次研讨会。(honor)
A seminar is to be held in our school in honor of Tao Xingzhi.