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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小2129 K
  • 更新时间2015/3/27 14:58:20
    下载统计今日0 总计13
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Playing the piano may seem like nothing special to you, but what about playing it on fruits instead of piano keys? Lin Hai, a 24-year-old graduate, did exactly that, as he made an electronic board by himself. Wearing thick glasses and a simple T-shirt, Lin looks no different to other engineering students. But under his plain appearance lies a true geek(极客)heart.
When Lin was little, he loved disassemblingthings to look at how they work. Even though he often failed at putting them back together, his curiosity was never satisfied and he laid hands on everything, except computers. “My parents told me not to disassemble computers because they’re expensive, so I researched the software instead,” says Lin. When he went to university, Lin chose a subject that was related to engineering and programming.
Lin is a typical geek who often spends days in the laboratory inventing new things. His most successful invention is an electronic board he calls “Crazyer”, the one that turns bananas into piano keys. Lin’s Crazyer electronic board was inspired by a similar device built by two PhD students at MIT. Their device is called Makey Makey, which turns everyday objects into touchpads.
Having seen a video, Lin was so impressed by the device that he searched for its website in the hope of buying one. But he found it’s not for sale. For most people, the story would have ended there. But for Lin, it was about to begin: “Why not make my own Makey Makey?” he thought. So he studied the video and website, trying to figure out how it worked. “I found that the mechanism Makey Makey is based on what was similar to that of the electronic lock I built before.” says Lin.  
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