Before I spoke to his school, Matt was waiting for me. He sat in his wheelchair unable to move. As soon as he saw me he started smiling. He could not talk but I pretended the sharks were eating his cereal and his laugh melted the hearts of everyone walking by.
One of the teachers told me that he was actually very smart, he just could not control his nuscles due to a childhood disease. He was happy and very popular at his school-his parents' love and encouragement made me all the difference .On the contrary ,at a book signing session,, met a girl by the name of Anne. She walked up with her mom with a bright smile. Anne asked about my book with a slur in her speech indicating a slight head injury. I told her about it and she smiled the whole time and asked me to sign one for her. I did.
Five minute later, I heard a voice from Anne's father, "You know you will not under- stand the book. You aren't smart enough .”He said it so loudly that people were staring in their direction. She was absolutely crushed and her bright smile was now replaced with a look of total despair(绝望).He brought the book back to me and