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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小2243 K
  • 更新时间2014/12/31 16:58:55
    下载统计今日0 总计49
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C单元  阅读理解
C单元 阅读理解............................................................................................................ 1
C1 人物传记类................................................................................................................ 1
C2 故事类....................................................................................................................... 8
C3新闻报道类................................................................................................................ 36
C4广告应用类................................................................................................................ 47
C5 文化教育类............................................................................................................... 60
C6 历史地理类............................................................................................................. 101
C7 社会生活类............................................................................................................. 102
C8 科普知识类............................................................................................................. 195
My mother is the only living person who has never communicated via email or text. She has never turned on a computer, registered an email account, used data storage media or searched the Internet. Since 1955, she has settled in Silicon Valley, married to an extremely technical specialist in applied physics and engineering, designing photometric systems for NASA. Only when Dad suffered from cancer could we convince her she needed a cell phone. Mom’s being separated from the information age is voluntary and deliberate.
     Mom is still that farm girl, and she takes the most pride in it. She sees her neighbor and her community “real”. She shows no interest in the digital and virtual life. My mother saw Depression, World War II and the beginning of the Cold War before reaching voting age. She enjoyed country music on “The Sons of the Pioneers”, a Canadian broadcast. The battery was so precious a resource that radio was limited to the barn because Grandma thought it helped cows produce milk. In the age when Churchill moved millions for the first time with radio broadcasts, she only experienced live media monthly, if at all.

    In her early twenties, Mom completed nurses’ training and worked in that field before marriage, family and church became her life’s concerns. She never really warmed up to television, though I think she appreciated a

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