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  • 教材版本北师大版(现行教材)
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  • 文件大小175 K
  • 更新时间2014/12/21 17:49:11
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原因和结果:Reason(s)(for), Cause(s) (of) Result(s)/Effect(s)/Consequence(s)(of),
异同点与优缺点difference(s), similarity(ies)
Advantage(s)/Benefit(s), Disadvantage(s)
观点与态度:opinion(s) /view(s) (on/about), attitude(s) to/towards
评论、评价:comment(s) (on) , remark(s) (on/upon) , 问题:Problem(s)
方式、方法:means (of), way(s)(to do/of doing),solution (to ),method(s)
迹象/症状Symptom(s) /sign(s) 因素factor(s)愤怒 anger(n)
目的:purpose(s) , aim(s) , goal(s)功能 作用:Function(s) 价格:price(s)
建议:Advice[u] ,Suggestion(s) Tip(s) 概括、总结: Summary Conclusion(s) 特点: Feature(s) Characteristic 种类:kind(s) type(s)category(ies) 精神上与身体上:mentally ,physically
影响 : influence /impact/effect (on ) 情形/状况: situation,condition
措施/步骤:Measure(s) , step(s) ,Action(s)
过程:process(es) 发展development 实现,完成:reach , realize ,achieve 国籍 nationality(ies)
活动activity/activities 知识/消息:knowledge / information
日程计划 : schedule 百分比:percentage 花费 : cost/expense
积极和消极:positive ,negative; optimistic 性别:sex 年龄:age
材料:materials 忧虑,担忧,焦急 : concern worry, anxiety
满意 :satisfaction 细节 : detail(s) 选择: Choice/Option
进步 make progress 个人,个人的: individual 文化 : culture
贡献: make contributions to 能力:ability 介绍:Introduction
重要 : value/importance/significance 比较:comparison
时期:period 天气/气候 : weather[u] / climate [c]
位置: location 人口: population 解释/含义:Definition/Meaning 背景: Setting,Background(s)
主题 Theme 话题Topic 标题Title 情节:plot 结尾:ending
二 、常用词组转换:
1.100 years = 1 century = 10 decades 2.take advantage of = make full use of make the best of = make the most of 4.avoid doing = not do…
5.consider… =take…into consideration. 6.despite = in spite of
7 take the responsibility for =be responsible for. 8.stop = quit = give up9.be interested in=show/have/take an interest in 10 most of the people=the majority of the people 11 run out=give out=be used up(被动) 12.be tired out = be worn out = be exhausted 13.approve of= be in favor/support of 14 compensate for = make up for
15.besides = in addition to = apart from 16 every year = yearly = annually 17.in part = partly 18.take an active part in = take part in sth actively 19.affect = have an effect/influence/impact on sth.
20. 10 years = decade
三 词性转换
proper properly / careful carefully / rich enrich(v) / large enlarge(v)/Benefit beneficial/ emphasize(v) emphasis(n) / analyse(v) analysis(n) / explain(v) explanation(n) / wide widen(v) / limit(v) limited(adj)/ anxious anxiety(n)


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