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  • 资源类别学案
  • 教材版本新人教版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小79 K
  • 更新时间2014/8/15 9:26:14
    下载统计今日0 总计10
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黄冈2013届3月质检题 (2013热题4)
I. 多项选择1’×10 = 10
21. My grandma’s after-supper ____includes walking the dog in the neighborhood and
dancing in the park with many other aged women.
A. regulation    B. training     C. program   D. routine
22. — Do you know why Jane was so angry?
—Her roommate gave in to ____and opened the letter addressed to her.
A. curiosity      B. consideration       C. concern      D. convenience
23. Betty’s _____ reaction to finding a parking ticket on her car was one of annoyance, until she found it was a fine-free ticket.  
A. previous   B. fundamental        C. initial  D. marvelous
24. It’s great to try hard, but if you’re not getting the job done well, all your efforts ____won’t count. A. ultimately   B. preferably      C. alternatively    D. awfully
25. Is college, which is supposed to be a place for academic interests and independent think­ing being ____into a factory only for producing professionals for a certain trade?
A. transported     B. transformed         C. transferred    D. transplanted
26.____ with homesickness after separation from her family for months for the first time, the girl contacted her mum almost every day recently.
A. Contented     B. Supplied          C. Covered     D. Overcome
27. They worked hard and many saved enough money to buy their own land. In this way they came to ____the sugar industry on many parts of the Queensland coast.
A. dominate     B. contradict          C. prohibit     D. accumulate
28. The robbers searched all the boxes in the house hoping to ____more valuables.
A. take up     B. show up      C. turn up      D. bring up

29. What is most important is facing the hard times, ____ the changes, and get through

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