My parents lived through the Great Depression of the 1930s and I heard stories from both of them about how their lives changed because of it. The same was true of my in-laws whose lives were also affected negatively. For example, my husband’s grandfather owned a factory. Owing to the stock (证券) market crash, he lost the factory and went back to work in the very factory he’d once owned. He could no longer afford to send my father-in-law to college. My father-in-law worked full time as a pipe fitter and went to school part-time to earn his degree, which took seven years.
Somehow, my husband and I never dreamed that we would live through anything similar. However, as they say, history often repeats itself. In 1929, the stock market crashed in the month of October. The same thing happened in 2008. My husband, who had invested (投资) all our money in the market, was in a state of shock. Each day the news was more terrible.
“We’ve lost more than half of our wealth,” he told me.
I just stared at him. “How can that be?”
“I thought we had good, solid investments, but it seems I was wrong.”