Many children would start school hungry without breakfast clubs, teachers have claimed. A
new survey suggests these clubs are the only way many students can get a meal before lessons.
About 54% of the 552 school staff questioned by the Association of Teachers and
Lecturers(ATL)said their school provides a breakfast club for pupils. The biggest reason for them to
attend these clubs is that their parents or carer goes to work early, cited by 76.8% of those questioned.
About 22.6% said children attended due to lack of money at home because parents or carers are
unemployed and 15.2% said lack of money at home due to changes or cuts to benefits. About 17.6%
said pupils mainly attend breakfast clubs to socialize.
The survey found that teachers believe that offering breakfast to pupils often helps improve their
concentration and ability to learn. One primary school teacher said: “Although there is a charge for
our breakfast club, we have accessed funding for those pupils on free school meals and the breakfast