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贵州省遵义市省级示范高中2014届高三第二次联考 英语 Word版
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本新人教版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小708 K
  • 更新时间2014/3/18 22:15:53
    下载统计今日0 总计24
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贵州省遵义市省级示范高中2014届高三第二次联考 英语 Word版
The 48-year-old photographer and adventurer with his trademark black and white beard and shoulder-length hair is also an environmentalist devoted to protecting the source of the Yangtze River.And he likes his new nick-name, "garbage cleaner at the source of the Yangtze River".
Yang Xin , is the founder of Green River, one of the country ' s biggest non-govemmental organizationsto protect the country's major rivers.
The Yangtze River begins from glaciers in the Tanggula Mountains on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
Garbage was rarely seen in the area about 20 years ago, Yang said, as local nomadic people ledtraditional self-sufficient lives, living in tents. Thanks to increasingly convenient transportation, they ' ve started to use modern products packed in plastics, which can ' t degrade naturally.
"They don' t have a waste management system and just throw rubbish away like before. So tons of garbage are left on the grasslands and river ways," said Yang.
He founded a group with the purpose of dealing with garbage such as plastic bottles, batteries, lunch boxes and so on.
In 1997, Yang and his group founded the Sonam Dhargye Nature Preservation Station in the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve, in memory of the anti-hunting hero who sacrificed his life to protect Tibetan antelopes.
1. Why does Yang Xin get his nickname "garbage cleaner at the source of the Yangtze River " ?
A. Because he is devoted to the care for the Yangtze River.
B. Because he is a founder of the Yangtze River.
C. Because he worked as a garbage cleaner.
D. Because he is a photographer and an adventurer.
2. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
A. settle down B. break down
C. grow up D. take in

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