(2013·江西卷)Many people think that listening is a passive business.It is just the opposite.Listening well is an active exercise of our attention and hard work.It is because they do not realize this,or because they are not willing to do the work,that most people do not listen well.
Listening well also requires total concentration upon someone else.An essential part of listening well is the rule known as ‘bracketing'.Bracketing includes the temporary giving up or setting aside of your own prejudices and desires,to experience as far as possible someone else's world from the inside,stepping_into_his_or_her_shoes.Moreover,since listening well involves bracketing,it also involves a temporary acceptance of the other person.Sensing this acceptance,the speaker will seem quite willing to open up the inner part of his or her mind to the listener.True communication is under way.The energy required for listening well is so great that it can be accomplished only by the will to extend oneself for mutual growth.
Most of the time we lack this energy.Even though we may feel in our business dealings or