导学案(五)Culture Corner
1. Master the new words and phrases(重点):
cover divide the first of which join join in take part in attend
2. 能力目标:
1)Understand the main idea of the text and can answer some questions.
2)Find out the different school systems between China and America .(难点)
3. 情感目标:
1) Judge the difference between China and America?
2) Develop the sense of cooperative learning.
1. 指导学生课前查询相关资料,充分利用工具书培养自学能力。
2. 方法指导:预习检查 总结疑惑; 情景导入 展示目标;合作探究精讲点拨;反思总结。
3. 通过升华案,培养学生触类旁通、知识迁移的学习能力。
4. 通过参与、体验、讨论、合作、质疑、探究等方式逐步形成自主学习能力。