Tips:Those who have courage to master their liv es ar e heroes.
Learning aims:1. 整体理解文章大意。2. 学习运用第14页阅读策略:
Learning important points: 1. 学习阅读技巧
Learning processes:
Step 1:A.划出词组,理解含义。
1. be allergic to __________ 2. take place __________
3. look up ____________ 4. make inference ______________
5. the last straw __________ 6. read between the lines ___________
【知识链接】词组the last straw 的由来:
“the last straw”忍耐的极限(最后一根稻草), 这一词组出自狄更斯的小说“as the straw breaks the laden camel’s back"一只骆驼可负担五百公斤重物,但骆驼负载过重时,最后一根稻草也会压断脊背。因此,英语民族往往用“the last straw”用来比喻一个人己经受了许多沉重的负担,终于被最后一点点小小的打击压垮了。
Step 2.Pre-Reading
☆ Have you ever met someone you didn’t like, who later became your friend? Tell the class.