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2014高考英语 暑假基础训练(9)附答案
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小154 K
  • 更新时间2013/7/25 9:26:31
    下载统计今日0 总计2
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My daughter wanted to change her job, so I moved across the country to the West Coast with her.I__1__no one here.I started feeling a little lonely and__2__ my friends and family back east.
I have now started to go back to__3__for the education I should have gotten long ago.I love talking;that’s why I enjoy going to school so much because it gives me the __4__ to meet new and different people.
Recently, while riding the__5__, I met with an elderly woman who was born and raised here.I smiled at her, then we started a__6__.She had so many stories about the area and I truly had a __7__ time talking to her.A few days later, I got on the bus and there she was again.I __8__ at her again, and she patted the seat next to her.I sat with her and we__9__the conversation where we had left off.Over the next few days whenever I got on the bus she was always there and we would talk.
Then I had a break and didn’t__10__much of my “new old friend”.One day I__11__her at the transit station(中转站)and she was very happy.She said she had been wondering about me and how __12__ to me had been the highlight of her days.This really__13__my heart.
My friend asked if she could have my__14__ so we could chat when she didn’t have the pleasure to see me on the bus.Now I realize how far a smile and a kind word can__15__.It may make your day, and it could make someone else’s day or week even better.
【文章大意】 这是一篇记叙文, 讲述的是作者的女儿由于要换工作, 所以作者跟随女儿到了西海岸. 在那里生活的过程中, 由于作者感到有些孤独, 所以就决定去大学学习. 在家与学校往返之间作者一个善意的微笑使她认识了一位老太太, 他们成了朋友, 并由此引发对微笑的感悟.
1.A.doubted          B.found
C.liked                            D.knew
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