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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版(新教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小914 K
  • 更新时间2024/11/29 11:57:58
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[2024·山东省实验中学第二次诊断考试]In the summer of 2015, Brian Peterson and his wife, had just moved to California. Outside the couple's apartment, a homeless man often yelled on the street corner. One day, Peterson was reading the book LoveDoes, when his quiet was__1__ by the homeless man. Inspired by the book's __2__ message, Peterson then decided to go out and __3__ himself.

In that first conversation, Peterson learned that the man's name was Matt Faris. He'd moved to California to pursue a career in__4__ , but he soon fell on __5__ difficulties and ended up living on the street. The story touched Peterson, a __6__ of the Cleveland College of Art, who hadn't picked up a paintbrush in eight years. __7__ , he found himself asking if he could paint Faris's portrait. Faris said yes.

This__8__ sparked Peterson to found Faces of Mankind, a nonprofit organization that focused on painting and __9__ portraits of those who are unhoused. Peterson put half the money into a “love account” to help his __10__ get back on their feet. Many people use the funds for __11__—medical care, clothes or food, but Faris chose to __12__ his musical dream. When the album was delivered to Faris, the man finally couldn't contain his emotions and __13__ in Peterson's arms.

Over the years, Peterson has discovered that the buyers begin to see the homeless__14__. They mention that they tend to connect and develop friendship with someone they might have otherwise __15__ .

1A.challenged    Bdefeated

Cdisturbed    Dsettled

2A.caring    Bdepressing

Chopeless    Dpowerful

3A.accuse    Bdelight

Cdeclare    Dintroduce

4A.business    Bmusic

Cmedicine    Dpainting

5A.academic    Bemotional

Cfinancial    Dphysical

6A.designer    Bgraduate

Cprofessor    Dstudent

7A.Desperately    BUnwillingly

CDeliberately    DUnexpectedly

8A.encounter    Bconflict

Creunion    Dnegotiation

9A.donating    Bexhibiting

Cdistributing    Dselling

10A.artists    Bemployees

Cmodels    Dneighbors

11A.preparations    Bnecessities

Crecreations    Drequirements

12A.accomplish    Bpostpone

Capproach    Dpurchase

13A.clapped    Blaughed

Cscreamed    Dwept

14A.cautiously    Bdifferently

Copenly    Dbravely

15A.accompanied    Bdeserted

Coverlooked    Dsupported

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