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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本外研版(新教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小951 K
  • 更新时间2024/7/4 16:25:10
    下载统计今日0 总计0
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Have you ever wondered what animals are talking about?With the development of AI,we may be able to understand their languages!

In Professor Karen Bakker’s new book,TheSoundsofLife:HowDigitalTechnologyIsBringingUsClosertotheWorldsofAnimalsandPlants,she talks about how AI is helping us to make an animal version of Google Translate.

All around the animal kingdom,there are sounds that we can hardly pick up and understand.Elephants,for example,talk with each other using infrasound(次声波)—far below our human hearing range.Corals(珊瑚) in the ocean also send sound waves to attract baby corals to safer areas to grow.This is surprising as corals don’t have any ears! Scientists have placed listening equipment into these environments to pick up the sounds humans cannot hear.

After the sounds are recorded,AI can study their meaning,according to the news website Vox.For example,some researchers used AI to translate bats’ 15,000 calls.They found that more than 60 percent were arguments about four things:food,sleep positions,occupation of personal space,and unwanted advances.

This technology can not only understand the animals but communicate back to them.For example,bees use dances to communicate.A research team in Germany,therefore,put the bee language AI system into a robot bee.They asked the robot to create a dance route to tell the bees where the nectar(花蜜) was,Vox reported.

1.What is Karen Bakker’s new book mainly about?

A.How AI helps translate animals’ sounds.

B.Why AI can help people research animals.

C.How AI helps people do translations better.

D.Why animals need help from human beings.

2.What do we know about the sounds made by animals?

A.No sounds by animals can be heard by humans.

B.The sounds guarantee animals safer areas to live.

C.Corals have ears to send and receive sound waves.

D.Elephants’ sound waves are beyond human hearing range.

3.What is paragraph 4 mainly about?

A.The arguments of bats.

B.The recording of animal sounds.

C.The contents of the news website.

D.The findings of AI translation.

4.How could scientists tell bees where the nectar was?

A.By learning the bee language.

B.By creating a route with AI system.

C.By employing a robot bee as their guide.

D.By asking a robot bee to teach them dance.

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