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  • 资源类别试题
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  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小918 K
  • 更新时间2024/6/27 14:32:09
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As 16-year-old Torri'ell Norwood drove through Florida, last February, the laughter and chatter from the four teenage girls inside her car quickly gave way to screams.As they approached an intersection, another car crashed them, sending their car sailing into the yard of a nearby home, coming to a stop only when it crashed into a tree.

As smoke rose from the car, a bystander shouted, “It's about to blow upGet out”Shaken but OKNorwood crawled out through the window as the driver's side door couldn't be opened.Along with two of her friends, who'd also managed to free themselves, she ran for her life.But halfway down the street, she realized that her best friend, Simmons, wasn't with them.Norwood ran back and found Simmons unconscious in the back seat.She threw open the back door and pulled her friend out.She dragged Simmons a few feet to safety and laid her on the ground.After checking her pulse and found there was no sign of life, she started CPR.

Had the accident happened a few weeks earlier, she might not have known what to do.But just the day before, Norwood, who wanted to pursue a career in medicine, had earned her CPR certificate by learning on her own.Kneeling on the lawn and looking down at her dying friend, Norwood knew she had precious little time to practice what she'd learned.

She started pumping Simmons's chest with her interlocked fingers and breathing into her friend's mouth in the hope of filling her lungs with the kiss of life.After quite a while, Simmons began coughing and taking quick deep breaths for air.The CPR had workedSoon, the ambulance arrived and rushed Simmons to the hospital.And then she heard how her best friend had saved her life.“I am not shocked” Simmons told others.“She will always help any way she can.”

语篇导读:Torri'ell Norwood开车时遭遇车祸,车里有三人顺利逃生。当发现好朋友Simmons还在车上时, Norwood返回救出了昏迷的她,并对她做心肺复苏术。Simmons最终得救了。

1What caused the car crash A 

AAnother car hit Norwood's car near the intersection.

BNorwood drove the car too quickly that day.

CNorwood's car crashed into a tree in a yard.

DThe girls were too excited to notice another car.

解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“As they approached...crashed into a tree.”可知, Norwood的车被另一辆车撞了,因此才发生了车祸。故选A

2What was Norwood's immediate reaction after hearing the bystander's warning C 

AShe crawled out through the window and ran without stopping.

BShe dragged her friends out and performed CPR at once.

CShe ran for her life but turned back to save her friend.

DShe opened the driver's side door and pulled her friend out.

解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“she ran for her life”可知,在听到警告后,她拼命逃走;再根据第二段中的“Norwood ran back...started CPR.”可知,在意识到Simmons 没有和她们一起出来后, Norwood返回救Simmons出来。故选C

3Why did Norwood know how to perform CPR D 

AShe had learned CPR in school classes.

BShe pursued a career in medicine.

CThe bystander told her how to do it.

DShe just earned her CPR certificate.

解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Norwood...her CPR certificate”可知,她刚刚获得了心肺复苏术证书。故选D

4What's the best title of the passage A 

AThe Breath of Life

BA Frightening Night

CPower of Knowledge

DAn Admirable Girl


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