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2023 Illustration Competition

Enter the competition most respected and admired in the industry for creativity in illustration, the Communication Arts Illustration Competition.Selected by distinguished professionals, the winning entries will be distributed worldwide in the Communication Arts Illustration Annual and on commarts.com, ensuring important exposure of the creations.Each winner will receive a professionalized Award of Excellence, made from solid aluminum, and an award certificate.Communication Art's Award of Excellence is one of the most desired awards.If chosen, winning places you in the highest ranks of your profession.

What To Enter With

Any illustration first published or produced from Jan.2022 to Jan.2023 is qualified.Entries may originate from any country.Descriptions in English are necessary for the judges to read.

Entries Can Be Submitted In The Following Formats

Digital Images: RGB images in JPG format with a maximum file size of 2 MB.GIF images may be livelier, but would be turned down, and so would the PNG ones.

Motion Entries: In MOV, MP4 or MPG format, with a maximum file size of 500 MB.

Illustration Competition Categories & Entry Fees


Single illustration

Series of illustrations

Books (covers, jackets, etc.)


$80 (limit of 5)

Motion (media for films, videos, etc.)


$180 (limit of 3)

Student Work

$20 (Image)

$45 (Video)

$40 (Images, limit of 5)

$90 (Video, limit of 3)

For more categories, please download the category PDF.

Late Fees

Entries must be registered no later than Jan.13, 2023.Entries registered after that date will be charged a fee of $10 each.No entries can be registered after Jan.27, 2023.

语篇导读:本文是一篇应用文,文章介绍了2023Communication Arts插画大赛的相关信息,包括获胜者的奖励、参赛要求、参赛费用等。

1What will the winner gain B 

AA personalized award certificate.

BWide recognition in the industry.

CExposure to world-famous works.

DA bonus from Communication Arts.

解析:根据第一段的“Enter the competition most respected and admired in the industry”“If chosen, winning places you in the highest ranks of your profession.”可知,Communication Arts 插画大赛是行业内最有声望的比赛,获胜者会成为行业中的佼佼者。由此可推断,获胜者会在行业内受到广泛认可。故选B

2Which of the following is unfit for the competition C 

AA student work from Argentina.

BA newly produced motion entry.

CA PNG image with a file size of 1 MB.

DA series for covers of three illustrations.

解析:理解具体信息题。根据Entries Can Be Submitted In The Following Formats部分的“GIF images may be livelier, but would be turned down, and so would the PNG ones.”可知GFPNG格式的图片不符合参赛要求。故选C

3How much should be paid for three cover illustrations submitted on Jan.20, 2023 C 

A$80.                            B$90.

C$110.                           D$120.

解析:理解具体信息题。根据Illustration Competition Categories & Entry Fees部分中表格里的信息可知系列(不超过5)图书封面插画的参赛费用是80美元;Late Fees 部分又提到2023113日至127日提交的作品需要额外交每幅10美元的逾期费,故在2023120日提交3幅图书封面插画需支付的费用为8010×3110(美元)。故选C

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