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Let's catch a glimpse of the latest inventions.

Parallels lets you use desktop apps on your phone

You'd think most applications would have created a mobile app by now—but  many companies still use desktop apps exclusively. Now Parallels Access lets you access them on your smartphone. All you need to do is download the app, then connect Parallels' Applification to your computer, so you can access important files and other apps with a single click. You can easily use your apps in full­screen mode, using intuitive (直观的) touch controls to work faster than before.

UsuallyParallels Access is $19.99, but you can get it now for $9.99.

Take your lighting to the next level with this smart switch

You probably don't spend a lot of time thinking about your home's lighting, but it's important: the way that you control your lighting affects the environment (and your electric bill)

This WiFi wall switch is controlled via a companion app on your smartphone, so you can control connected lights or ceiling fans from anywhere.

Usually, the Meross WiFi Wall Light Switch costs  $45.99, but right now it's on sale for $39.99.

Shoot beautifully clear videos with this smartphone gimbal

If you're interested in shooting professional­quality  videos and photos, you don't have to spend a fortune to  take a beautifully composed shot: just use this Rigiet  Smartphone Gimbal instead.

A gimbal is a support for your camera (in this case, your smartphone) that allows it to pivot (移动), and  automatically detect and adjust to the position that you want  to film in. Unlike any other camera hardware you might  own, this one comes with its own accompanying app.

Usually, this Rigiet Smartphone Gimbal is $269, but you can get it now for $109.99.


21What do these products have in common C 

AThey save us energy.

BThey make us work faster than before.

CThey make our life easier and more comfortable.

DWe have to download their apps before they are used.

解析: 推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“You can easily use your apps in  full­screen mode, using intuitive(直观的) touch controls to work faster than before.”(你可以轻松地在全屏模式下使用你的应用程序,使用直观的触摸控制比以前更快地工作。),第五段中“This WiFi wall switch is controlled via a companion app on your smartphone, so you can control connected lights or ceiling fans from anywhere.(这个WiFi墙壁开关是通过智能手机上的一个配套应用程序控制的,所以你可以从任何地方控制连接的灯或吊扇。)”与倒数第二段第一句“A gimbal is a support for your camera(in this case, your smartphone)that allows it to pivot(移动), and automatically detect and adjust to the position that you want to film in.”综合上述描述可知这些产品的共同点是都能使得生活更加方便和舒适。故选C

22Which product gives you the best discount C 

AThe Parallels Access.

BThe Desktop Apps.

CThe Rigiet Smartphone Gimbal.

DThe Meross WiFi Wall Light Switch.

解析: 细节理解题。对比三款产品可知,第一款产品便宜了19.999.9910美元;第二款产品45.9939.996美元;第三款产品269109.99159.01美元,是三款产品中折扣最多的。故选C

23In which section can we see the article in a newspaper B 

AEducation.                 BScience.

CSociety.                        DCulture.

解析:文章出处题。根据文章第一句“Let's catch a glimpse of the latest inventions.”与文章主要介绍了三款发明可知,文章可以在杂志的科学版面看到。故选B

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