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2025版高三一轮复习必修第一册Unit2TravellingAround提能训练(英语 解析版)
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  • 更新时间2024/6/24 11:15:47
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Yellowstone Poster Exhibition to Be on View at UW's Coe Library

A first-of-its-kind exhibition that focuses on the history of Yellowstone National Park posters will be on display at the University of Wyoming's Coe Library beginning Tuesday, February 1.

“Wonderland Illustrated”will present posters and poster-style illustrations of the park spanning from the 1870s through 2022. The exhibition will be located on Level 3 of Coe Library. It will be on view through Tuesday, May 31.

The exhibition takes place at the same time as this year's 150th anniversary of the creation of Yellowstone National Park. The posters in the exhibition serve the purpose of both advertising and art.

“We're thrilled to be working with Yellowstone collectors Jack and Susan Davis, and Larry and Thea Lancaster to bring this exhibition to the University of Wyoming as part of year-long celebrations recognizing Yellowstone's 150th anniversary”says Tamsen Hert, head of UW Libraries' Emmett DChisum Special Collections.“This exhibition involves the history of printing, art, photography and advertising over 16 decades. The images reproduced are found on travel brochures, postcards and maps—many of which are held in our collections.”

One poster from the exhibition—Henry Wellge's“Yellowstone National Park”from 1904—was recently purchased with donated funds and is now part of UW Libraries' Emmett DChisum Special Collections. Wellge, a productive bird's-eye-view artist, designed the piece for the Northern Pacific Railroad, which used it to advertise the park. This is a unique piece, as posters such as this one were printed on soft paper and very few have survived.


1How long will the exhibition “Wonderland Illustrated”last C 

ATwo weeks.                      BThree months.

CFour months.                    DOne year.

解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“A first-of-its-kind exhibition that focuses on the history of Yellowstone National Park posters will be on display at the University of Wyoming's Coe Library beginning Tuesday, February 1.(21日星期二开始,怀俄明大学科图书馆将举办一场首次以黄石国家公园历史海报为主题的展览。)”以及第二段“It will be on view through Tuesday, May 31.(展览将持续到531日星期二。)”可知,仙境画报展览将持续四个月。故选C

2What is a purpose of the exhibition C 

ATo remember a famous artist.

BTo raise fund for Coe Library.

CTo mark the anniversary of a national park.

D. To tell the history of the University of Wyoming.

解析:细节理解题。根据第四段“We're thrilled to be working with Yellowstone collectors Jack and Susan Davis, and Larry and Thea Lancaster to bring this exhibition to the University of Wyoming as part of year-long celebrations recognizing Yellowstone's 150th anniversary(我们很高兴能与黄石收藏者杰克和苏珊·戴维斯以及拉里和西娅·兰开斯特合作,将这次展览带到怀俄明大学,作为纪念黄石公园150周年的为期一年的庆祝活动的一部分)”可知,展览的目的是纪念一个国家公园的周年纪念。故选C

3What do we know about the 1904 poster Henry Wellge designed A 

AIt is rare in the world.

BIt is in black and white.

CIt is printed on cloth.

DIt is owned by a professor.

解析:细节理解题。 根据最后一段“This is a unique piece, as posters such as this one were printed on soft paper and very few have survived.(这是一件独特的作品,因为像这样的海报是印在软纸上的,很少有幸存下来的。)”可知,1904年亨利·韦尔奇设计的海报在世界上很罕见。故选A

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