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2025版高三一轮复习必修第二册Unit3TheInternet提能训练(英语 解析版)
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  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小929 K
  • 更新时间2024/6/11 11:31:04
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(2024·八省八市高三第 一 次学业质评)

Michael and his wifenew residents in a San Francisco apartmentlearned about their neighbor Jeff Dunan's volunteer work for Bangladesh Reliefan organization that provides foodclothing and essential supplies for disadvantaged people in northern Bangladesh. InspiredMichael donated $150 to Dunan's GoFundMe campaign.Howevera credit card notification alerted him to an unintended $15,041 charge.

When he saw the five-figure numberhe was confused.Soonit all made sense.Michael's credit card number started with four and one.Clearlyhe accidentally began typing his credit card information while his cursor(光标)was still in the donation box.

Michael planned to call Dunan to explainbut before he had the chance to do thathe started receiving Facebook messages from Shohag Chandrathe charity's Bangladesh-based program managerthanking him for his generous donation.After he looked through the photos of people holding thank-you signs that read his nameMichael's heart sank.He felt terrible that he had to withdraw his handsome donation.Once his original contribution was refundedhe decided to donate $1,500.

Although Michael had told his family and friends about the talehe decided to share it publicly on social mediaafter Dunan told him the organization was desperately in need of funds.“The least I could do was take the time to post this story online and see if I could inspire other people to donate to the cause”Michael said.

Little did he knowthoughthat the story would be seen far and wideending up raising more than $120,000 for Bangladesh Relief in the span of only a few weeks—about eight times Michael's mistaken donation.According to Dunanmore than 3,700 people have contributed because of Michael's post.Michael has been stunned(震惊) by the ongoing outpouring of support.“Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine this reaction”he said. “People can be amazing when they come together for something like this.”


1How did Michael make the large donation A 

AHe input an incorrect amount.

BHe encountered a system error.

CHe was greatly inspired by Dunan.

DHe entered wrong credit card details.

解析:细节理解题。根据第二段可知,Michael 的信用卡号开头数字是41。他显然是在光标还停留在捐款金额那一栏的时候就开始输入自己的信用卡号了,所以最后的金额由原来计划的150美元变成了15 041美元。故选A

2Why did Michael's heart sink according to Paragraph 3 D 

AHe saw people in despair.

BHe failed to offer enough money.

CHe didn't receive the full refund.

DHe realized the scale of his mistake.


3What motivated Michael to share the story on social media C 

ADunan's request for publicity.

BA desire for personal recognition.

CThe organization's urgent need for funds.

DPressure from his family and friends.


4What message does the story convey B 

AActions speak louder than words.

BMany hands make light work.

CAlways prepare for a rainy day.

DA good beginning is half of victory.

解析:主旨大意题。本文主要叙述了Michael为什么一开始决定捐款、捐款金额有误的原因以及后续如何吸引了更多人捐款的故事。故事始于Michael 一个人的善意,结尾时3 700多人都加入了捐款活动,短时间内就筹集到了大笔资金。因此,B 众人拾柴火焰高。正确。故选B

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