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  • 适用年级高三年级
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  • 更新时间2023/12/22 9:19:15
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2022·广东七校联合体高三第二次联考试卷)I started out with animals as a volunteer in a safari park.For meit's about both providing care and supporting their conservation in the wildwhich is what led me to Laos in Southeast Asiasetting up a sanctuary for sun and moon bears.They are facing a tough time—they are caught in the wildand then sold to bear bile(胆汁)farms where they are treated inhumanely.

It was full steam ahead right from the start.Before I even boarded the plane to LaosMatta friend from the charity Free The Bearshad called me saying they had rescued a tiny female sun bear.They named it Mary.

She was found in a tiny cage on the back of a truck that was filled with rubbish.When I met Mary for the first timeshe was scared and weakbut after a few days in a caring environment with the right nutrition she quickly found her feet.

It wasn't all easy work.I remember taking her for a walk one day and she shot off up a tree far beyond our reach just as we were heading back to our nursery centre.She loves honeybut she was so intelligentand stubbornthat she wouldn't just come for it.I ended up having to trick her with a gameand finally managed to get her low enough to grab her.

I have countless memories like that which will always make me laugh.But it's still mentally exhausting to know that more than 10000 bears are kept in cages across Asia.So I can't describe the feeling of great joy when we get them into our centre.Seeing them take their first steps on the grass after knowing nothing but bars and concrete is what it's all about.They deserve to have the life they were intended for.

【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者的野外志愿者工作经历,并着重介绍了自己和被解救的马来熊Mary之间的故事。

1.What does the underlined word “sanctuary” in Paragraph 1 mean

A.Bear farm.                 B.Pet hospital.

C.Regional office.                  D.Wildlife shelter.

解析:词句猜测题。根据第一段中的“providing care and supporting their conservation in the wild”可以推断,作者去东南亚是为了做野生动物关爱和保护工作的,因此,画线词的意思应该与野生动物保护区相关。


2.What happened to Mary when she was found

A.She was caged.

B.She was injured.

C.She was buried in rubbish.

D.She was abandoned in a truck.

解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“She was found...of a truck”可知,Mary之前被人关在了笼子里,故A项正确。


3.What made the walk with Mary unforgettable to the author

A.Their tricky games.

B.Her playful behaviour.

C.Her climbing trees quickly.

D.Their shared love for honey.

解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的“she shot off...she wouldn't just come for it”,再结合熊本身的体型和爱好可知,Mary的这些行为很有趣,这让作者记忆犹新。


4.Which of the following best describes the author's work

A.Tiring but fruitful.

B.Delightful and rewarding.

C.Challenging but worthwhile.

D.Unpredictable and demanding.

解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“it's still mentally exhausting...when we get them into our centre”可以推断,这份工作极具挑战性,但是动物被解救出来又会让人很高兴,觉得付出是值得的。


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