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  • 文件大小943 K
  • 更新时间2023/6/21 9:22:48
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The hot summer days seemed to wear on slowly.My husband and I were waiting for our city adoption agency (收养机构) to complete the __36__ process of clearing (审查) us so we could adopt a babyfor we had no baby after 10­year __37__.We’d already gone through months of being __38__ and investigated (调查)—and we were told we would have another long __39__ even though we had been permitted to have one.Babies come from families which have already had many children and usually it is __40__ for such parents to give children good educationso they look for __41__ adoptive parents.

Early one July morningbefore sunriseI was __42__ up by a dream about a baby.How pleasant the __43__ was—surely we’d have our baby soon__44__ August passed without any developmentsand September came before we even __45__ our letter of clearance.Stillthough our credentials (资格) were established__46__happened.September went by slowly into Octoberand then November passed by.

At lasttwo weeks before Christmasa telephone call __47__.A woman at the adoption agency told me that the mother of a baby girl had reviewed the __48__ of people wanting to become adoptive parents and had chosen us.She gave us a lot of __49__ about the baby’s birth and then made a(n) __50__ for my husband and me to see her.

I __51__ the phone and picked up my desk calendar to __52__ the date and time.Looking through the pagesI saw a sentence in my handwriting.Extremely surprisedI jumped up __53__.On the calendar page for July 20I’d __54__ “dreamed about a baby.”That was the day on which our adoptive daughter was born.That was the __55__ day God had chosen for our adopted daughter to be born.

36A.pleasant               Bunforgettable                                               

Cusual                       Dlong                                                           

37A.marriage              Blove                                                            

Clife                          Dstudy                                                         

38A.asked                  Binterviewed                                                 

Cchecked                   Ddiscussed                                                   

39A.wait                    Bstay                                                            

Crest                         Descape                                                       

40A.normal                Bpossible                                                      

Cdifficult                   Dsurprising                                                   

41A.kind                    Bstrict                                                          

Cordinary                   Dsuitable                                                      

42A.dressed               Bkept                                                           

Cbrought                   Dwoken                                                       

43A.evening               Bdream                                                         

Cbaby                        Dmother                                                       

44A.And                    BFor                                                            

CBut                          DSo                                                             

45A.received              Bsent                                                            

Ccreated                    Doffered                                                       

46A.everything           Bsomething                                                   

Cnothing                    Danything                                                     

47A.ended                  Bcame                                                          

Cstopped                   Dappeared                                                    

48A.records               Bdiaries                                                        

Cnews                       Dletters                                                        

49A.energy                Binformation                                                 

Chelp                         Dcomplaint                                                   

50A.decision              Bpromise                                                      

Cappointment             Dnoise                                                          

51A.got  through       Blooked  for

Cthrew  away           Dhung  up

52A.mark                   Bremember                                                   

Cdiscover                  Dsign                                                           

53A.proudly               Bsuddenly                                                     

Chigh                        Dangrily                                                       

54A.copied                 Bcorrected                                                    

Cwritten                    Ddescribed                                                   

55A.only                    Bnext                                                           

Csame                       Dvery                                                           

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