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(新人教版)必修一第二单元Unit 2 English around the world单元测试(英语)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本人教版(新教材)
  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小918 K
  • 更新时间2022/11/10 11:19:15
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In 1810during his first Grand Tour of Europe,Byron carved his name into a column base of the Temple of Poseidon on the Aegean coast.Although Byron himself might not have actually written the name that is left there,the story has become part of the history of the monument,searched for by his admirers among the hundreds of other names carved all over the temple.
Modern graffiti,however,is met with a very different reaction.In 2014 a Russian tourist was fined €20
000 for carving a large " K " on a wall of the Colosseum in Rome,the fifth such incident that year.
What is the thinking behind such acts
Are tourists aiming for ill fame to become part of the monument's historyOr is it simply part of the experience of visiting the siteAnd,further,why is historical graffiti,which was equally destructive,considered historic heritagesThe motives behind them are,after all,probably the same,however,graffiti comes to tell us about lives and moments that might otherwise have been lost.
The earliest graffiti of a person's name on a monument has been identified by the historian Lionel Casson in a cave at Wadi Hammamat in Egypt in 2000 BC.The name of Hena is cut into the sandstone alongside a list of his achievements.In ancient Greece,too,stoas
(柱廊) were the meeting places of philosophers and the places for school boys' lessons.We therefore often see alphabets and Homeric poems written on their walls.
And it is not just monuments and buildings
Miltiades,a general from the Battle of Marathon in 490 BCcarved his name into the helmet he wore.In the Athens,too,a Spartan shield (盾) was found with words noting that the Athenians captured it during the Battle in 425 BC.Without such graffiti,the objects would still be impressive,but far less useful for historians,as their writing provides an exact original place.
In the21
st century,however,with the rapid increase in tourism,if everyone decided to leave their mark,these sites would be irretrievable (不可挽回地) destroyed.Perhaps Beijing's controversial new free graffiti zones on certain sections of the Great Wall of China will satisfy the desire to carve our own piece of history into the limited resource of the monument,though it seems unlikely that it will easily be contained to one area.Regardless,it is important that we protect these monuments and the graffiti that some of them already contain.

1.         Why is Baron's carving his name into the column base mentioned in the first paragraph ______

A. To introduce the related topic.
B. To attract more people to copy him.
C. To show his admirers to search.
D. To become part of the story of the monument.

2.         What can we infer from the passage ______

A. It was actually Byron that wrote and carved his name there.
B. It was the fifth time that the Russian tourist had been fined that year.
C. Ancient graffiti was carved more than on monuments and buildings.
D. The motives behind ancient and modern graffiti are completely the same.

3.         Where was the earliest graffiti of a person's name on a monument discovered ______

A. In a cave in Egypt.
B. In a temple on the Aegean coast.
C. On a wall of the Colosseum in Rome.
D. In an ancient meeting place in Greece.

4.         Which of the following might be the best title for the text ______

A. What was the Earliest Graffiti
B. What's the Way to Protect Graffiti
C. What Can We Learn From Ancient Graffiti
D. What was the Motivation of Ancient Graffiti

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