1.However, the ________ (大多数) of people are effective speakers because they are trained to be.
2.________ (假的) fire alarms are illegal and may lead to imprisonment.
3.The light, about onethousandth of the ________ (数量) needed to read by, is just a start.
4.He pulls out a special ________ (设备), points it at the suspect, and switches it on.
5.Lighting accounts for about 7% of the total ________ (电) consumed in the US.
6.The transport company got the job to ______ (搬走)phone boxes from the streets.
7.Teachers often ________ (敦促) their students to combine relaxation with their study.
8.When engaging in a trip, he is ________ (担忧的) about his budget because of its high cost.
9.His profession and previous work experience will ________ (促成) to his success in his career.
10.On a ________ (平均), 40,000 citizens apply for visas to travel abroad in this city every year.