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四川省内江市第六中学高新校区2021-2022学年高二上学期入学考试试题(英语 解析版)
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3 Days Dunhuang Bike Tour

Going on a bike is a great way to explore the natural beauty of Dunhuang. Our tour is spent riding along the country road and the edge of town where we’ll pass by country houses, farmlands and vineyards (葡萄园) to show you the beauty of the little oasis (绿洲) in the desert.

Day 1

Meals: None

Accommodation (住宿): In Dunhuang

You will be picked up at the train station and moved to the hotel once you arrive in Dunhuang. Free for the rest of the day. Dunhuang is located on the western end of Hexi Corridor, at the meeting point of Gansu, Qinghai and Xinjiang in the Northwest of China. Known as Shazhou in ancient times, Dunhuang served as a rest stop for traders and due to its special geographical location, it was the gateway through which many religions (宗教) like Buddhism, Islam and Christianity entered China.

Day 2

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Accommodation: In Dunhuang

You need to get up and start biking early in the morning. First, we will ride 30 minutes to the Mogao Caves (10 km) and visit the biggest Buddhist art gallery of the world. After lunch, we will ride bike to the White Horse Pagoda which is located in the countryside (12 km) and was built in 386 A.D. in memory of the white horse of the greatest Buddhist translator, Kumarajiva. Then we will have dinner at a local farmer’s restaurant. In the evening, we will ride bike to the famous Singing­Sand Dunes and Yueyaquan (6 km). Finally, we will ride back to the hotel.

Day 3

Meals: Breakfast

Accommodation: None

Be dropped off at the airport and call it a day.

1. What can the riders do during the tour?

A. Enjoy the beauty of the countryside.

B. Find the best way to visit Dunhuang.

C. Have to put up with the heat in the desert.

D. Go cycling in downtown Dunhuang.

2. Dunhuang once had various        .

A. horse races

B. tourism programs

C. business activities

D. Buddhist arguments

3. What can we know about the Mogao Caves and the White Horse Pagoda?

A. They hold art exhibitions.

B. They have places for horses.

C. They have religious backgrounds.

D. They are tourist information centers.

【答案】1. A    2. C    3. C




细节理解题。根据第一段的Our tour is spent riding along the country road and the edge of town where we’ll pass by country houses, farmlands and vineyards (葡萄园) to show you the beauty of the little oasis (绿洲) in the desert.(我们的旅程是沿着乡村公路和城镇边缘骑行,在那里我们会经过乡村房屋、农田和葡萄园,向您展示沙漠中小绿洲的美丽)可知,沿途骑车过程中人们可以欣赏到农田和葡萄园带来的自然之美。故选A


细节理解题。根据Day 1部分的Known as Shazhou in ancient times, Dunhuang served as a rest stop for traders and due to its special geographical location, it was the gateway through which many religions (宗教) like Buddhism, Islam and Christianity entered China.(敦煌古代被称为沙州,是贸易商的休息站,由于其特殊的地理位置,是佛教、伊斯兰教、基督教等众多宗教进入中国的门户)可知,在古代,敦煌是商人们的休息站,曾经拥有繁荣的商贸活动。故选C


推理判断题。根据Day 2部分的First, we will ride 30 minutes to the Mogao Caves (10 km) and visit the biggest Buddhist art gallery of the world. After lunch, we will ride bike to the White Horse Pagoda which is located in the countryside (12 km) and was built in 386 A.D. in memory of the white horse of the greatest Buddhist translator, Kumarajiva.(首先,我们将骑30分钟到10公里的莫高窟,参观世界上最大的佛教艺术画廊。午餐后,我们将骑自行车前往白马塔,这座塔位于乡村(12公里),建于公元386年,是为了纪念最伟大的佛教翻译家鸠摩罗什的白马)可知,莫高窟和白马塔都有佛教背景。故选C

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