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四川省成都市树德中学2021-2022学年高二上学期10月阶段性测试试题(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小1011 K
  • 更新时间2022/9/9 10:27:09
    下载统计今日0 总计1
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Every parent loves it when their kid wants to read. Who doesn’t want an ambitious little bookworm to learn — or at least turn the pages and demand you read the story? Here are the beauty of board books. They’re good enough for tiny hands to explore, and therefore sure to last for more than one reading session. But we all know kids’ books can get repetitive after a while; so here are three unique board books that go beyond the standard. Each one is perfect for bedtime (or anytime!)

DK Braille: Counting

This special little book teaches counting in a unique and revolutionary way. Inside, you’ll find colorful images and words on each page, accompanied by Braille, so little ones can learn to read in more than one way. This book is perfect for blind children with sighted parents or sighted children with blind parents, allowing everyone to get in on the fun of reading together.

Available from DK, $14.99

All Aboard New York

Planning a trip to a big city? Baby Lit has you covered. Get your kid excited about visiting somewhere new with this “All Aboard” series — whether you’re heading there soon, or just looking to educate them about places near and far.

Available from BabyLit, $9.99

Canticos: Los Pollitos /Canticos: Little Chickies

Sing your heart out while teaching your little one some Spanish with this sweet book! Written by Susie Jaramillo, it features the popular Spanish song, “Los Pollitos Dicen” for both of you to sing along. So whether your family speaks more than one language already, or you want your kid to get a jump start on their Spanish skills, story time will be fun for both of you.

Available from Amazon, $14.06

21. What can the book DK Braille: Counting enable kids to do?

A. Sing a song.                   B. Visit an area.                   C. Read stories.                  D. Do math.

22. What can users do with the book All Aboard New York?

A. Take their kids to visit different cities.                        B. Help their kids know new places.

C. Help parents prepare their travel.                               D. Avoid the trouble to visit places.

23. With the help of the book Canticos: Los Pollitos/Canticos: Little Chickies, users can________.

A. get their kids interested in music

B. teach their kids some English with music

C. teach their kids a foreign language with a song

D. encourage their family to use more than one language

【答案】21. D    22. B    23. C




细节理解题。根据DK Braille: Counting部分中This special little book teaches counting in a unique and revolutionary way.(这本特别的小书以独特和革命性的方式教授计数)可知,DK Braille: Counting这本书能让孩子们做数学。故选D


细节理解题。根据All Aboard New York 部分中Get your kid excited about visiting somewhere new with this “All Aboard” series — whether you’re heading there soon, or just looking to educate them about places near and far.(让你的孩子对参观一个新的地方感到兴奋,通过这个All Aboard系列——不管你是很快就要去那里,还是只是想教育他们关于附近和远处的地方)可知,用户可以用All Aboard New York这本书帮助他们的孩子了解新的地方。故选B


细节理解题。根据Canticos: Los Pollitos/Canticos: Little Chickies部分中Sing your heart out while teaching your little one some Spanish with this sweet book! Written by Susie Jaramillo, it features the popular Spanish song, “Los Pollitos Dicen” for both of you to sing along. (在用这本可爱的书教你的孩子西班牙语的时候尽情地唱吧! 这首歌由Susie Jaramillo创作,演唱了西班牙流行歌曲《Los Pollitos Dicen》,让你们俩一起唱)可知,在Canticos: Los Pollitos/Canticos: Little Chickies这本书的帮助下,用户可以用一首歌来教孩子一门外语。故选C

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