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四川省成都市郫都区川科外国语学校2020-2021学年高二9月月考试题(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小999 K
  • 更新时间2022/9/9 10:26:01
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Books to Read in Your 20s

The Kite Runner

By Khaled Hosseini

As a Middle Eastern and North African Studies student, I have a great interest in books about what takes place in this area. I first read this book in high school and really enjoyed it because of its accurate language. If any of you is interested in reading this book and hasn’t yet, I highly recommend (推荐) it.

Firefly Lane

By Kristin Hannah

This is my favorite book. It is a story about friendship, love and life lessons. The story covers the lives of two best friends, Tully and Kate, from childhood to adulthood. I learned so much about friendship and life. So, read Firefly Lane! You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and then you’ll share this book to your best friend.

Half the Sky

By Nicholas Kristof

For any person of any age, Half the Sky is a must-read. It describes the struggle of women and the most pressing human rights problems of our time: the common oppression of women  and girls.

The Little Prince

By Antoine de Saint

This children’s book is simple. It might seem like a wrong book to recommend to someone in their twenties but perhaps that’s what makes it a good choice. It sings praises to exploration and shows the importance of making friends.

1. Who is the writer of the book The Kite Runner?

A. Khaled Hosseini.                           B. Kristin Hannah.

C. Nicholas Kristof.                          D. Antoine de Saint.

2. What can you learn from Firefly Lane?

A. It’s written by Tully and Kate.           B. It’s about friendship, love and life lessons.

C. It’s a simple book for children.          D. It’s a book written for any person of any age.

3. Which book will you read if you want to know about human rights problems?

A. The Kite Runner.                           B. Firefly Lane.

C. Half the Sky.                              D. The Little Prince.

【答案】1. A    2. B    3. C




细节理解题。根据The Kite RunnerBy Khaled HosseiniKhaled Hosseini创作。可知,《追风筝的人》这本书的作者是Khaled Hosseini。故选A项。


细节理解题。根据Firefly LaneIt is a story about friendship, love and life lessons.这是一个关于友谊、爱情和人生教训的故事。可知,《萤火虫巷》这本书讲述了一个关于友谊、爱情和人生教训的故事。故选B项。


细节理解题。根据Half the SkyIt describes the struggle of women and the most pressing human rights problems of our time: the common oppression of women  and girls. 它描述了妇女的斗争和我们时代最紧迫的人权问题:对妇女和女童的普遍压迫。可知,如果你想了解人权问题,你可以读《半边天》这本书。故选C项。

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